St. Joseph Parish, Maysville

Mobile, AL

Providing a Beacon of Hope in the Maysville Community since 1930

Stay Connected


It is only through the continued support of donors like you, that St. Joseph Maysville is able to continue its L.I.F.E. mission. Donations help to sustain the church's daily needs. The Pledge Drive helps the church to focus on a specific project or need that the church may address. Donations from the Pledge Drive have helped to purchase the Carrollonic Bells, the beautiful lighted fans, and the church's central air conditioning and heating, just to name a few.



December 3, 2023 The First Sunday Of Advent Bulletin

Please click here to read this Sunday's bulletin.

Daily Readings

Calendar of Events

October 27, 2024 The Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time Bulletin

Please click here to read this Sunday's bulletin.

8:45-9:15 AM | Sacrament of Penance Every Sunday
9:30 AM | Sunday Mass
5:30 PM | Mass Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
7:45 AM | Mass-Thursday & Saturday
6:00 PM | Holy Days of Obligation

Contact the Rectory for a schedule of unlisted Sacraments.

Mass Schedule

Click here for Today's Readings.

The Josephites

  • Awesome 0:00
  • One Bread One Body7:32
  • I Give Myself Away8:22

St. Joseph Maysville is staffed by The Josephite Priests and Brothers and Dedicated Lay People.